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Day 4 - AWBF & IGKT - Monday 10 February 2025
10 AM - 4 PM
Location - Hobart Town Hall
Exhibitions and demonstrations - open to public
International Guild of Knot Tyers
Hand Spinners Weavers & Dyers Guild of Tasmania
Hobart Embroiders’ Guild
Australian Lace Guild, Tasmanian Branch
Wooden Boat Guild of Tasmania
And more!
10:00 to 12:30 PM Ocean Plait making workshop with tutors from the International Guild of Knot Tyers
Location - Noisy Boatyard - Hobart Waterfront
Max 6 attendees (booking through AWBF - link to be added soon)
Materials supplied
10 AM to 4 PM - Children’s Activities in Little Sailors’ Village - Knot Challenges!
Location - Parliament Lawns
Coordinated by - Hobart Scout Groups